摘 要:EDA 技术是当今电子信息领域最先进的技术之一,EDA 自动化程度高、功能更加完善且运行速度快;在本文的设计中,采用Verilog HDL 作为硬件的描述语言,其顶层原理图主要分为三个模块,分别为:左边灯控制模块、右边灯控制模块和分频模块。首先通过Verilog HDL 语言编写各电路模块,然后对其进行波形仿真,之后根据写好的各电路模块设计顶层文件,最后将设计的顶层电路下载到实验箱,从实验结果可知,本文所设计的电路实现了汽车左转、右转、刹车、夜间行驶等功能。
关键词:Verilog HDL;设计和仿真;汽车尾灯
中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0026-04
Design of Vehicle Taillight Controller Based on Verilog HDL
LU Xuemin1,LI Danning2
(1.College of Big Data and Information Engineering,Guizhou University,Guiyang 550025,China;2.Guizhou Academy of Sciences,Guiyang 550001,China)
Abstract:At present,EDA technology is one of the most advanced technologies in the field of electronic information. EDA has high automation,more perfect function and faster running speed. In this design,Verilog HDL is used as a hardware description language. The top layer principle is divided into three modules which are the left lamp control module and the right lamp control module and frequency division module. First of all,the circuit modules are written in Verilog HDL language,then the waveform simulation is carried out. Then the top layer files are designed according to the written circuit modules. Finally,the top layer circuit is downloaded to the experimental box. From the experimental results,the designed circuit realizes the functions of the left turn,right turn,brake,and night driving of the car.
Keywords:Verilog HDL;design and simulation;car taillight
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