摘 要:CORS-RTK 是网络坐标法的简称,其定位精度在传统坐标方法的基础上有所提高,该坐标法是现阶段各大技术部门常用的定位方法之一。本文针对此坐标转换法展开讨论,将其和常用坐标分别进行介绍,并阐述网络坐标转换法的优势,进而得出相关结论。
关键词:定位;坐标转换;CORS-RTK 测量;GPS
中图分类号:P228.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0029-03
Discussion on Coordinate Transformation Method in CORS-RTK Measurement
JI Huaping
(Shanxi Coal Geological and Geophysical Survey and Mapping Institute,Jinzhong 030600,China)
Abstract:CORS-RTK is the abbreviation of network coordinate method. Its positioning accuracy has been improved on the basis of traditional coordinate method. This coordinate method is one of the commonly used positioning methods in major technical departments at present. This paper discusses the coordinate transformation method,introduces it and common coordinates respectively,and expounds the advantages of network coordinate transformation method,and then draws relevant conclusions.
Keywords:positioning;coordinate transformation;CORS-RTK measurement;GPS
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作者简介:冀华平(1979.12-),男,汉族,山西昔阳人, 工程师,注册测绘师,本科,研究方向:工程测量。