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基于Android 的旅游地图小帮手的开发
(南昌职业学院,江西 南昌 330500)

摘  要:随着智能手机的飞速发展,Android 平台为很多人所熟知,人们使用Android 的频率也越来越高,Android 手机在各个领域中的使用越发重要,通过使用手机可以获得人们想要的信息。随着社会生产力的提高,每个家庭除了生活开销之外还有所结余,因此,越来越多的人利用工作之余出去游山玩水,但是在游玩的过程中,携带的纸质地图不方便,或者忘记携带地图,会给旅游带来一定的麻烦。为了解决这个问题,本文提出基于Android 的旅游地图小帮手的开发。


中图分类号:TP311        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0037-03

Development of a Small Assistant for Tourism Map Based on Android

LIU Ping,ZHANG Shengjiang

(Nanchang Vocational College,Nanchang 330500,China)

Abstract:With the rapid development of smart phones,Android platform is well known to many people. People use Android more frequently. The use of Android mobile phones in various fields is becoming more and more important. By using mobile phones, people can get the information they want. With the improvement of social productivity,every family has some surplus besides living expenses. Therefore,more and more people use their spare time to go sightseeing. But in the process of playing,it is inconvenient to carry paper maps or forget to carry maps,which will bring some trouble to tourism. In order to solve this problem,this paper proposes the development of a small assistant of tourism map based on Android.

Keywords:tourist Map APP;Android;software development;mobile Map service


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