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(长春理工大学 经济管理学院,吉林 长春 130022)

摘  要:21 世纪,随着互联网和人工智能技术的不断发展,人们更加重视健康管理,辅助诊断疾病的医疗器械也在不断地增加,如X 光机、心电图机等,但是使用听诊器听诊仍然是每个医生必备的技能,听诊可以让医生在前期对病情有所预估,从而确定应该使用什么手段来有效诊断,让患者有针对性地检查相关项,节省诊断时间、医疗成本、检查费用。传统的听诊器使用简单、有效,但是如果听诊环境复杂,医生的经验不足等,都会影响听诊效果,因此,需要利用现代化技术,研制一种可以将声音转化成可视的波形,实时播放,使诊断效果更为准确,而且不受场地的限制,无论医生是否在现场,都能根据需要进行远程实时会诊。本项目的目标就是研制一种具有低功耗、小体积、高灵敏度的多功能的电子听诊器,采用现代低功耗微处理器技术、蓝牙通信技术、多功能听诊头结构设计技术、数字滤波去噪和高效数据分析算法,可实现呼吸音和心音的采集、滤波、去噪、放大、分频回放等功能,具有体积小、功耗低、使用方便等特点。


中图分类号:TH772.2;R197.39        文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)07-0032-03

Development of Radio Electronic Stethoscope

LI Yuhang,QI Dianwei,GUO Jiaxuan,JIANG Xinxin,LI Yang

(School of Economics and Management,Changchun University of Science and Technology,Changchun 130022,China)

Abstract:With the development of the internet and artificial intelligence technology in the 21st century,people pay more attention to the management of health,and the number of medical devices that help diagnosis is increasing,such as X-ray machines and electrocardiographs. But stethoscope auscultation is still a necessary skill for every doctor,auscultation allows doctors to predict the condition in the early stage,to determine what means should be used to effectively diagnose,allowing patients to check related items, saving diagnosis time,medical costs,inspection costs. The traditional stethoscope is simple and effective,but if the auscultation environment is complicated,the doctor’s experience,etc.,those will affect the auscultation effect. Therefore,it is necessary to use modern technology to develop a waveform that can be converted into a visible waveform for real-time playback. The effect is more accurate and is not limited by the venue,allowing remote real-time consultations as needed,whether or not the doctor is on site. The goal of this project is to develop a low-power,small-volume,high-sensitivity,multi-function electronic stethoscope,using modern low-power microprocessor technology,Bluetooth communication technology,multi-functional auscultation head structure design technology, digital filtering denoising and high-efficiency data analysis algorithm which can realize the functions of collecting,filtering,denoising, amplifying and frequency-dividing playback of breath sounds and heart sounds,featuring small size,low power consumption and convenient use.

Keywords:wireless electronic stethoscope;intelligent medicine;Bluetooth communication technology


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