摘 要:现代气象对探测装备技术保障体系也提出了越来越高的要求。气象探测装备和技术保障体系的建设是气象服务的重要组成部分。气象装备的多样化使得技术保障呈现出细节多、任务重的特点。装备规模和设备布点的增加,使得保障的任务量越来越繁重,进行探测装备技术保障体系建设是势在必行的发展方向。
中图分类号:P414 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0067-02
The Construction and Analysis of Modern Meteorological Detection Equipment
Technical Support System
CHEN Binyuan,JIANG Chenwei,JI Liheng
(Fujian Zhangzhou Meteorological Bureau,Zhangzhou 363000,China)
Abstract:The modern weather has also put forward higher and higher requirements for the technical support system of the detection equipment. The construction of the meteorological observation equipment and technical support system is an important part of the meteorological service. The diversification of the meteorological equipment makes the technical support the features of more details and heavy tasks. With the increase of equipment scale and equipment placement,the amount of guarantee task is becoming more and more heavy. It is imperative for us to develop technology support system for detection equipment.
Keywords:meteorological detection equipment;technical support system;construction;analysis
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作者简介:陈斌源(1990 -),男,汉族,福建漳浦人,本科,助理工程师,从事气象装备与网络保障工作。