摘 要:本文开始向读者解释了何为牵引供电系统,其存在的意义和价值,并强调了该系统对于全局网络的重要性,之后以一种成熟稳定的故障分析模式为切入点,逐条分析阐述了可以提升牵引供电系统可靠性的各项活动,这些建议都是基于笔者多年的行业工作经验提出的,相信会对我国的电气化铁路发展提供一定的帮助。
中图分类号:U223 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)01-0069-02
The Reliability Research of The Electrified Railway Traction Power Supply System
LI Peng
(Liaoning Raiway Vocational and Technical College,Jinzhou 121000,China)
Abstract:This paper began to explain to the reader what is the traction power supply system,the significance and value of its existence,and emphasizes the importance of the system for the global network,with a mature and stable fault analysis model as the starting point,one by one analysis can enhance the activities of the traction power supply system reliability,these recommendations are based on the author years of work experience of the industry forward,believe that will be helpful for China's development of electrified railway.
Keywords:electrification railway;electrification system;traction substation;traction network;reliability
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作者简介:李鹏(1983 -),男,讲师,辽宁工业大学工程硕士,研究方向:电气工程及其自动化。