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基于STM32 双控调节智能台灯设计
(广东工贸职业技术学院,广东 广州 510510)

摘  要:本文设计了一种可用于手动和自动调节的智能台灯,其采用STM32 作为主芯片,4 路LED 模拟台灯,通过按键来进行自动模式和手动模式的自由切换。手动模式可以通过按键来进行台灯亮度的调节,自动模式可以通过光照传感器采集光照强度,自动调节LED 的亮度。另外还加入了无线控制功能,用手机等移动终端安装对应的应用后,就可以远程操控台灯开关和亮度。


中图分类号:TM923.44         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2018)10-0051-03

Design of Intelligent Table Lamp with Double Control Based on STM32
HU Yingkun
(Guangdong Polytechnic of Industry and Commerce,Guangzhou 510510,China)

Abstract:This paper designs an intelligent desk lamp which can be used for manual and automatic adjustment. It uses STM32 as themain chip,the 4 way LED analog desk lamp,free switching between automatic mode and manual mode by buttons. The manual mode canadjust the brightness of the desk lamp by the button. The automatic mode can collect the light intensity by the light sensor and automaticallyadjust the brightness of the LED. In addition,the wireless control function is added. After installing corresponding applications with mobile phones and other mobile terminals,the lamp switch and brightness can be remotely controlled.

Keywords:double control regulation;intelligent desk lamp;STM32


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