摘 要:自我国城市化建设以来,城市轨道交通发展较为迅速,我国地铁行业对站台门与列车门之间间隙安全防护也越来越重视,这使得对射式光栅检测方式成为站台门系统的标准配置,该方式能够有效保证乘客在该间隙滞留的安全性。该检测方法主要是以点对点的方式来实现,但在对其进行校准的过程中会出现一定的困难,且针对曲线站台和间隙较大的站台该方式存在检测盲区。随着我国科技技术的不断发展,激光雷达检测技术的稳定性与安全性大大提升,并且精度也有较大的提高,其在轨道交通站台门安全防护方面有着广阔的应用前景。
中图分类号:TN959.3 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)12-0044-03
Application of Lidar in Safety Protection of Rail Transit Platform Door
LE Mei,XIAO Yongqiang,DUAN WenJie,XIN Yin,WANG Jiajun
(Chongqing Metro (Group)Co.,Ltd.,Chongqing 401120,China)
Abstract:Since China’s urbanization construction,urban rail transit has developed rapidly,and the subway industry in Chinahas paid more and more attention to the gap safety protection between platform doors and train doors. This makes the shooting gratingdetection method become the standard configuration of platform door system,which can effectively ensure the safety of passengers stayingin the gap. The detection method is mainly implemented by point-to-point method,but there will be some difficulties in its calibrationprocess,and there is a blind area for the curve platform and the platform with large gap. With the continuous development of science andtechnology in our country,the stability and safety of lidar detection technology has been greatly improved,and the accuracy has also beengreatly improved. It has broad application prospects in the safety protection of platform doors of rail transit.
Keywords:lidar detection technology;rail transit platform door;safety protection
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