摘 要:近年来,随着社会的发展,人类的进步,电子科技也在飞速的发展,从鼠标、键盘、手柄到触摸屏,再到现在的体感传感器,电子产品输入与输出设备在不断改进。然而,以前传统的手控人机互动形式已经越来越不能满足现代人强烈的个性化需求,因此随着时代的发展,提出了更加深层次的人机互动智能化需求。本设计以此为出发点构建并设计了此款体感控制系统。项目基于Windows 平台,结合了景深图像采集、人机交互、体感识别、无线传输等技术,实现了人体姿态动作远程操控智能小车完成相应指令动作。对此项目的设计研究,旨在为后期舞蹈机器人的动作训练奠定基础,起到抛砖引玉作用。
中图分类号:TP391.41;TP212 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0034-03
Design of Somatosensory Control System Based onHuman-Computer Interaction Technology
ZHANG Linqiang
(Zhengzhou Institute of Technology,Zhengzhou 451150,China)
Abstract:In recent years,with the development of society and the progress of human beings, electronic technology is alsodeveloping rapidly. From mouse,keyboard,handle to touch screen,and now to the body sensor,the input and output devices ofelectronic products are constantly improving. However,the traditional form of human-computer interaction has been increasinglyunable to meet the strong personalized needs of modern people,so with the development of the times,a deeper demand for humancomputerinteraction intelligence has been put forward. This design takes this as a starting point to construct and design the somatosensorycontrol system. Based on Windows platform,the project combines depth-of-field image acquisition,human-computer interaction,somatosensory recognition,wireless transmission and other technologies to achieve the remote control of human gesture action intelligentcar to complete the corresponding command actions. The design and research of this project aims to lay a foundation for the later stage ofthe dance robot’s action training and play a role in attracting valuable ideas.
Keywords:human-computer interaction;motion recognition;Kinect;wireless intelligent car
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