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(中国航发湖南动力机械研究所 中小型航空发动机叶轮机械湖南省重点实验室,湖南 株洲 412002)

摘  要:通常情况下,接触法测温能比较准确地得到测量值,但无法直接接触被测表面,或在被测表面安装接触式传感器会严重破坏温度场的情况下,需要利用非接触法测温。本文简要介绍了最常用的非接触测温设备红外热像仪的成像原理和结构组成,阐述了红外热像仪在航空发动机静止构件表面温度测量中的应用。为了验证红外热像仪的测量准确性,对发动机排气管采用热电偶测温、示温漆测温、红外热像仪测温三种方法进行了表面温度测量,并分析了影响红外测温准确度的因素和改进措施。


中图分类号:TN215         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0032-03

The Application of Infrared Camera in Surface Temperature Measurement forAero Engine’s Static Component

HUANG Mengwei,ZHOU Feng,ZHAN Lulu

(AECC Hunan Aviation Powerplant Research Institute,Zhuzhou 412002,China)

Abstract:Contact temperature measurement can guarantee precise measurement results in most cases,but noncontact temperaturemeasurement has to be adopted under circumstances where direct contact with the surface is not feasible,or sensors installed on the surfacewill greatly damage the temperature field,need to use non-contact method to measure temperature. This paper briefly introduces the imagingprinciple and structure of infrared thermal imager,which is the most commonly used non-contact temperature measurement equipment,and expounds the application of infrared thermal imager in surface temperature measurement of aeroengine stationary components. In order toverify the measurement accuracy of infrared thermal imager,the surface temperature of engine exhaust pipe is measured by three methods:thermocouple temperature measurement,temperature paint temperature measurement and infrared thermal imager temperature measurement.The factors affecting the accuracy of infrared temperature measurement and the improvement measures are analyzed.

Keywords:infrared camera;temperature measurement;aero engine


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