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(福建省邮电规划设计院有限公司,福建 福州 350001 )

摘  要:在信息时代,计算机技术已经在社会各个角落得到普及, 使得很多机构以往的电子信息机房难以适应信息爆炸的社会发展要求。诸如机房面积狭小、装修老化、系统运行繁忙、设备容量不足的问题层出不穷,给相关管理者及设计人员提出了更严峻的考验。优化电子信息机房内部的硬软件环境已成为机房改建人员共同研究的重要课题。基于此,本文对电子信息机房防雷和防静电设计等内容加以探讨。


中图分类号:TM862         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0040-02

Lightning Protection and Anti-static Design of Electronic Information System Room

ZHANG Fusheng

(Fujian Post and Telecommunications Planning and Design Institute Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350001,China)

Abstract:In the information age,computer technology has been popularized in all corners of society. It has made many electronicinformation rooms in many institutions difficult to adapt to the social development requirements of information explosion. Problems suchas the small size of the machine room,the aging of the decoration,the busy operation of the system,and the shortage of equipmentcapacity have emerged in an endless stream,which has brought more severe tests to the relevant managers and designers. How to optimizethe hardware and software environment inside the electronic information room has become an important topic for the joint research of thecomputer room. Based on this,this paper discusses the lightning protection and anti-static design of electronic information room.

Keywords:electronic information room;power supply;grounding;lightning protection;anti-static


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