摘 要:变电站电气一次设备是保障电力系统正常运行的关键性设备,一次设备的安装也一直是变电站设备运行维护的重点与难点,如何提升一次设备安装施工中的安全管理水平,已经成为近年来电力生产中亟待解决的难题。本研究正是在这样的背景下展开的,本文分析了变电站电气一次设备安装施工中的安全问题,从变压器、断路器、母线、电缆等四个方面总结了安全施工的要点,最后提出了加强变电站电气一次设备安装施工的安全管理水平的具体策略,以推动变电站的安全、稳定运行。
中图分类号:TM63;TM505 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)11-0042-03
Study on Safety Problems of Electrical Equipment Installation andConstruction in Substation
HAN Yibin
(Fujian Putian Electric Power Engineering Co.,Ltd.,Putian 351100,China)
Abstract:Substation electrical primary equipment is the key equipment to ensure the normal operation of power system. Theinstallation of primary equipment has always been the key and difficult point of operation and maintenance of substation equipment. Howto improve the safety management level in the installation and construction of primary equipment has become an urgent problem in recentyears. This research is carried out under such a background. The safety problems in the installation and construction of electrical equipmentin substation are analyzed. The main points of safety construction are summarized from four aspects:transformer,circuit breaker,busbarand cable. Finally,specific strategies are put forward to strengthen the safety management level of the installation and construction ofprimary electrical equipment in substations,so as to promote the safe and stable operation of substations.
Keywords:substation;electrical primary equipment;installation and construction;construction safety
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