摘 要:人脸识别是基于人的脸部特征信息进行身份识别的一种生物识别技术。具体来说,指通过电子仪器采集图像中的人脸,经过图像的检测和人脸的跟踪,对捕捉到的人脸进行识别的技术。随着图像处理与生物鉴别技术日新月异地进步,大量的安全系统采用了人脸识别技术。本文在研究人脸识别技术现状的基础上,结合实际生活中身份认证安全系统的需求,设计了基于OpenCV 的人脸识别门禁系统。介绍了如何使用OpenCV 进行人脸检测与识别、如何运用人脸识别控制门禁等,重点探讨了不同模型的人脸识别算法识别效果的好坏、光照变化及不同姿态对人脸识别结果的影响。
中图分类号:TP391.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0038-03
Face Recognition Access Control System
LIANG Guanpo,ZOU Zehua,CHEN Zhengxin,YE Shengjie,LAI Pengyu
(Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China)
Absrtact:Face recognition is a kind of biometric recognition technology,which can extract feature information from human face,collect face in image by electronic instrument,detect and track face through image. With the rapid development of image processing and biometric identification technology,a large number of security systems use face recognition technology.On the basis of studying the current situation of face recognition technology according to the requirement of identity authentication security system in real life, a face recognition access control system based on OpenCV is designed. How to use OpenCV to detect and recognize face is introduced. How to control the entrance guard by face recognition is discussed in this paper,and the effects of different face recognition algorithms,illumination variation and different pose on face recognition are discussed.
Keywords:OpenCV;face recognition;access control system
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