摘 要:针对某引信测试仪在测试过程中发生的故障较为复杂,且不易排除的问题,本文采用故障树分析法结合引信测试仪实际故障事件构建了故障树模型。对故障树模型进行了定性和定量分析,指出了影响引信测试仪可靠性的关键部件。还通过Multisim 软件仿真发现涡轮上电模块电路产生正弦信号并不稳定的问题,针对该问题对涡轮上电模块电路进行了改进,仿真与实验结果验证了故障树分析法可以提高引信测试仪工作的可靠性。
中图分类号:TJ430.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0033-06
Reliability Analysis and Performance Optimization of a Fuze Tester Based on Fault Tree Analysis Method
DING Jianbao1,CAO Pan2
(1.Jiangsu Yongfeng Machinery Co.,Ltd.,Huaian 211722,China;2.China Guangdong Nuclear Power Group Yangjiang Nuclear Power Co.,Ltd.,Yangjiang 529941,China)
Abstract:Aiming at the problem that physical fault of fuze tester is complex and difficult to exclude during the testing process, a fault tree model is built by combining fault tree analysis with actual fault events of fuze tester. The qualitative and quantitative analysis of fault tree model point out the key parts affecting of the reliability of fuze tester. Through Multisim software finds that sine signal generated by electric circuit module of turbine is not stable,the electric circuit of the turbine is improved to deal with the problem. The results of simulation and experimental verify the fault tree analysis method to improve the reliability of fuze tester.
Keywords:fuze tester;fault tree analysis method;reliability;performance optimization
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