摘 要:本文以STC89C52 为控制与检测核心,提出了一种基于低功耗单片机的自主寻径智能小车的设计方案。系统采用改进型超声波测距传感器和红外光电传感器来采集外部障碍信息,通过控制程序实现智能小车的循迹、自主寻径等功能。经过系统测试、程序仿真及实际验证表明,小车运行灵活平稳,硬件部分工作稳定,可靠性高。
中图分类号:TP23;TP391.41 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0049-03
Research and Realization of Independent Tracing Intelligent Car
LIANG Huanhui,JIAN Biyuan,LI Jianghai
(Guangzhou Vocational College of Science and Technology,Guangzhou 510550,China)
Abstract:In the paper,a low-power single-chip design of autonomous tracing intelligent car design is proposed with the STC89C52. The system uses an improved ultrasonic ranging sensor and infrared photoelectric sensor to collect external obstacle information. The control program could obtain tracking,independent path finding and other functions. The simulation and actual running show that the car can make flexible and stable operation of the car.
Keywords:intelligent car;path finding;microcontroller
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