摘 要:发电厂工作中需要重点解决的问题之一是电气设备的调试。在发电过程中由于各种原因,电气设备的安装与调试会出现不到位的情况,影响电气设备工程的质量,从而产生不同程度的安全隐患。本文分析了发电厂电气设备在调试过程中会出现的问题,并提出相应的解决对策。
中图分类号:TM621 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2018)02-0054-02
Problems and Countermeasures in Electrical Equipment Debugging in Power Plant
KE Zhiyong
(Fujian Hongshan Thermal Power Co.,Ltd.,Quanzhou 362712,China)
Abstract:Working in the power plants need to focus on one of the problems is in the process of electrical equipment debugging,in the process of electricity because of various reasons,the electrical equipment installation and commissioning will appear does not reach the designated position,influence the quality of the electrical equipment engineering,the safe hidden trouble that result in different degree. This paper analyzes the problems of electrical equipment in power plant and its corresponding solutions.
Keywords:power plant;electrical equipment debugging technology;problem;suggestion
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