摘 要:近些年来,智能家居新产品层出不穷,智能插座就是其中一种。传统家电大部分没有智能化和信息化功能,智能插座就起到了辅助传统家电的作用,包括供电远程控制,用电状态监测与控制等功能。本文提出一种低成本、高效率的智能插座设计方案。
中图分类号:TM503.5;TP368.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)13-0044-03
Design of Intelligent Socket Based on MCU
LIN Jia,LIU Bingquan,QIU Xiaoqun
(Zhuhai City Polytechnic,Zhuhai 519090,China)
Abstract:In recent years,new products of smart home emerge in endlessly,and smart socket is one of them. Most of the traditional household appliances do not have the functions of intellectualization and informatization. Intelligent sockets play an auxiliary role in traditional household appliances,including remote control of power supply,monitoring and control of power consumption status.In this paper,a low cost and high efficiency design scheme of intelligent socket is proposed.
Keywords:smart home;smart socket;remote control;power status monitoring
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