摘 要:截至2019 年,中国研制波形发生器已经数十年,并取得了一些突破性的成果。就目前国内的成熟产品来看,多为一些FPGA 的信号波形,Agilent 33120A 函数发生器等,但从软件底层的一些技术层面上来说,我国数字式波形信号发生器与国外同类产品无论在种类和性能上都存在巨大的差距[1],特别是如今中美贸易摩擦不断,在科技上我国被外国进行技术封锁,因此我们更要加紧研发此类产品,推动我国科技进步。本文主要是提出了波形信号发生器的设计理念和设计原理,重点讲述了在KEIL 环境下进行编程,并在Proteus 中进行仿真。
中图分类号:TN792 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0019-03
Simulation Design of Digital Waveform Signal Generator
WAGN Yanan
(College of Electrical Engineering and Automation,Henan Institute of Technology,Xinxiang 453003,China)
Abstract:As of 2019,China has begun to develop waveform generators for decades and has achieved some breakthrough results.As far as the mature products in China are concerned,most of them are signal waveforms of some FPGA,Agilent 33120A function generators,etc.,but the technical level of the underlying software,There is a huge gap in performance on China’s digital waveform signal generators and similar products abroad are in the category[1],especially the China-USA trade friction continue. In technology,China is blocked by foreign countries. Therefore,we must step up research and development of such products and promote China’s scientific and technological progress. This paper mainly proposes the design concept and design principle of the waveform signal generator,focusing on programming in the KEIL environment and simulation in Proteus.
Keywords:KEIL;Proteus;anti-interference;analog simulation
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