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(广州致远电子有限公司,广东 广州 510660)

摘  要:当代的通信产品越来越小巧,越来越集成化,在微波射频领域的发展过程中,PCB 尺寸也越来越小,微带线不得不进行拐角设计。本文针对行业内工程经验的微带线拐角“3W 规则”,从微带线不连续的原理和模型出发,以验证“3W 规则”的正确性和适用性。同时提出多种微带线拐角方案,并以2.4G 频段为例,分别进行了仿真分析,分析不同方案的射频性能。结合多年的工程实际经验,为不同场合推荐合适的应用方案。

关键词:微带线;射频;3W 规则;2.4G 频段

中图分类号:TN817         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0021-04

Simulation Analysis of Microstrip Corner RF Performance

YANG Cheng,LI Qin

(Guangzhou Zhiyuan Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510660,China)

Abstract:Modern communication products are becoming more and more compact and integrated. In the development process of microwave RF field,PCB size is getting smaller and smaller. Microstrip line has to be corner design. According to the “3W rule” of microstrip line corner in industry engineering experience,the correctness and applicability of the “3W rule” are verified based on the principle and model of microstrip line discontinuity. At the same time,a variety of microstrip line corner schemes are proposed,and the RF performance of different schemes is analyzed by taking 2.4G frequency band as an example. Combined with years of practical engineering experience,to recommend suitable applications for different occasions.

Keywords:microstrip;radio frequency (RF);3W rule;2.4G frequency band


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