摘 要:目前,由于学生的教材过多过重,导致学生随身携带教材不便,加重书包负担,同时,教材过厚会使学生翻阅教材不灵活,而现有的活页教材大多靠使用者自己取出所需的教材部分,使用功能单一且受限。针对这种情况,本文提出一种基于电磁线圈控制的活页教材的设计,由活页书框装置和活页书芯装置构成。书页在打印后,经过合理配页装订成多册书芯,并在每册书芯侧面粘贴磁铁片。因此,可将厚重的教材按需求分装成多册,并根据使用者需求自动弹出所需章节或相应页,使用方便,也可大大减轻书包重量,具有较好的应用前景。
中图分类号:TM245 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0030-03
A Loose-Leaf Teaching Material Based on Electromagnetic Coil Control
NIE Wenfei,CAO Yan,ZI Lingwei,WANG Yige
(South China University of Technology,Guangzhou 510641,China)
Abstract:At present,since teaching materials of students are too many and too heavy, it is inconvenient for students to carry them and they also increase the burden of schoolbags. Meanwhile,teaching materials are too thick and not flexible for students to look through.Moreover,existing loose-leaf teaching materials mostly require users to take out the needed part of teaching materials,and their function is single and limited. Targeting at these problems,this paper presents a kind of loose-leaf teaching materials based on electromagnetic coil control,which is composed of loose-leaf book frame part and loose-leaf book core part. After pages are printed,they are properly arranged and bound into multiple volumes of book cores,and the side of each book core is affixed with magnetic sheet. This new design can divide the heavy teaching materials into several volumes,and automatically pop up the required chapters or corresponding pages according to the needs of users,which is convenient to use,can greatly reduce the weight of schoolbags,and has a good application prospect.
Keywords:electromagnetic coil control;loose-leaf teaching materials;loose-leaf book frame;loose-leaf book core
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