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集成双升Boost 电路的充电器设计
(广州致远电子有限公司,广东 广州 510660)

摘  要:常规的充电器一般是用从AC 电路变成DC 电路,然后由DC 电路进行进一步转换得来,一般有两种拓扑:一种是Boost 电路或者Buck 电路,直接通过电感外加二极管进行电压的转换,这种方式不带隔离;一种是带隔离变压器的转化器,一般是通过反激电路或者正激电路来实现。一般设计人员都会熟悉地应用到这两种方式,但在如今越来越要求体积小的场合下,上述两种设计方案设计出的充电器都过于笨重,占用体积过大而使得在特定的机器结构中无法实现。本文在这里提出一种新的实现方案,可以在尽量小的空间中,特别是在UPS 中,在本就存在的双升Boost 电路的基础上,集成一种充电器的方案。

关键词:双升Boost 电路;AC 电路;DC 电路

中图分类号:TM910.6;TM46         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0027-03

Integrated Dual Boost Circuit Charger Design


(Guangzhou Zhiyuan Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510660,China)

Abstract:The general charger is generally used from AC circuit to DC circuit,and then the DC circuit for further conversion,there are two topologies:one is Boost circuit or Buck circuit,directly through the inductor diode voltage conversion,this way without isolation;One is the converter with isolation transformer,generally through the back circuit or forward circuit to achieve. Both of these methods are familiar to designers,but in today’s increasingly small-size environment,both of these charger designs are too bulky and take up too much space to be implemented in specific machine structures. In this paper,a new implementation scheme is proposed to integrate a charger scheme in a small space,especially in UPS,on the basis of the existing dual Boost circuit,a scheme of integrating a charger is proposed..

Keywords:dual Boost circuit;AC circuit;DC circuit


[1] Colonel William T McLyman.Transformer and Inductor Design Handbook [M].CRC Press,2011.

[2] 王兆安,刘进军. 电力电子技术 [M]. 第5 版. 北京:机械工业出版社,2009.
