摘 要:随着社会的发展,人类对电能的需求日益增加与能源短缺成为当今社会的尖锐问题,如何更高效地转换和利用电能,已经成为目前关注的焦点。在传统的三相对称逆变器中,一般采用两电平的SVPWM 调制方式或两电平的SPWM 调制方式。本文提出一种三电平的SVPWM 调制方式,首先对比传统的两电平SPWM 和两电平SVPWM 调制方式,分析三电平SVPWM 调制方式的优缺点;然后从原理上推导三电平SVPWM 调制方式;最后提出一种比较便于DSP 实施的三电平SVPWM 具体调制方式。
中图分类号:TM464 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0055-03
A Three-level SVPWM Modulation Method
(Guangzhou Zhiyuan Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510660,China)
Abstract:With the development of society,human’s increasing demand for electric energy and energy shortage have become acute problems in today’s society. How to convert and use electric energy more efficiently has become the focus of current attention. In the traditional three-phase symmetrical inverter,two-level SVPWM modulation mode or two-level SPWM modulation mode is generally adopted. This paper proposes a three-level SVPWM modulation mode. Firstly,the advantages and disadvantages of three-level SVPWM modulation mode are analyzed by comparing the traditional two-level SPWM and two-level SVPWM modulation mode. Then three-level SVPWM modulation mode is deduced from the principle. Finally,a specific modulation method of three-level SVPWM is proposed.
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作者简介:方益(1985-),男,汉族,湖南岳阳人,工程师, 工学硕士,研究方向:嵌入式开关电源。