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网通产品FXS 端口的EMC 防护设计方案研究
(深圳市共进电子股份有限公司,广东 深圳 518052)

摘  要:FXS 端口防护目前有两种方案,一种为采用可编程的防护器件TISP61089 进行防护,另外一种采用固定电压的防护器件进行防护,两种防护方案在实际的应用中都有客户在使用,而且各有千秋。本文从FXS 的工作原理出发,从测试、设计多个角度分析FXS 的防护方案,总结出两种防护方案的优劣势,供大家参考。


中图分类号:TM862;TN871         文献标识码:A         章编号:2096-4706(2019)15-0051-04 

Discussion on EMC Protection Design Scheme of Network Communication FXS Interface


(Shenzhen Gongjin Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518052,China)

Abstract:At present,there are two kinds of FXS interface protection schemes,one is to use programmable protection device TISP61089 for protection,and the other is to use fixed voltage protection device for protection,both of which are used by customers in practical applications,and each has its own merits. Starting from the working principle of FXS,this paper analyzes the protection scheme of FXS from the perspectives of testing and design,and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of the two protection schemes for your reference.

Keywords:FXS;EMC;thyristor;surge test


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作者简介:张绪坤(1978.10-),男,汉族,江西武宁人,本科,学士学位,中级工程师,研究方向:电子产品的EMC 及RF方面的设计研究。