摘 要:便携检测设备以PXIe 机箱为主体,以PXIe 的嵌入式计算机为主控,通过PXIe 总线控制PXIe 测试资源。PXIe测试资源引出至设备面板的检测接口,通过测试电缆与被测机载系统交连。使用人员通过平板电脑(以下简称PMA)实现与便携检测设备的人机交互,完成机上原位检测[1]。
关键词:PXIe 总线;便携检测设备;温控板;检测软件;一体化面板
中图分类号:TP274;TP63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0048-03
Design of Portable Detection Device Based on PXIe Bus
PAN Zengshou,HUANG Xueming
(Guangzhou Hangxin Aviation Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China)
Abstract:Portable detection equipment takes PXIe chassis as the main body and PXIe embedded computer as the main control.PXIe test resources are controlled by PXIe bus. The PXIe test resource was extracted to the detection interface of the equipment panel and crosslinked with the airborne system under test through the test cable. Through tablet computer (hereinafter referred to as PMA),users can realize man-machine interaction with portable testing equipment and complete in-situ testing.
Keywords:PXIe bus;portable testing equipment;temperature control board;detection software;integrated panel
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