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(广州致远电子有限公司,广东 广州 510660)

摘  要:保障电源质量的关键在于负载。本文从多通道电子负载的设计出发,探讨电子负载的设计理念。相比于单通道电子负载,多通道电子负载能同时对多个电源进行测试,还可以并连起来测试大功率电源,在技术上,多通道电子负载虽然不是单通道电子负载的简单堆叠,但关键技术是一样的,因此,理解了单通道电子负载的设计理念,自然而然就可以对多通道电子负载设计上手。本文介绍一种多通道电子负载的设计方案:将多通道电子负载分成主机控制板、从机控制板、功率耗散板、电源板4部分来设计,对整体的方案和各部分方案进行详细的说明,使多通道的设计更加简易明了。经过系统调试和测试,依照这种方案设计出来的多通道电子负载运行稳定,能够长时间运行,符合设计要求。


中图分类号:TN710         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)16-0051-02

A Multi-Channel Electronic Load Design

ZHENG Yanpu,YANG Jiong,DING Changkun

(Guangzhou Zhiyuan Electronics Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510660,China)

Abstract:To ensure the quality of power supply,the key lies in the load. This paper discusses the design concept of multichannel electronic load. Compared with single-channel electronic load,multi-channel electronic load can test multiple power sources at the same time,and can also test superpower power sources together. Technically,multi-channel electronic load is not a simple stack of single-channel electronic load,but the key technologies are the same,therefore,to understand the design concept of the single channel electronic load can be naturally to multi-channel electronic load design. This paper introduces a design scheme of multi-channel power supply:the multichannel to design the electronic load is divided into four parts:the host control panel,from the machine control panel,power dissipation board,power board,scheme and each part of the whole scheme in detail,the design of multi channel is more simple and easy to understand,through the system debugging and testing,the design of multi-channel electronic load running is stable,able to run for a long time,meet the design requirements.

Keywords:multi-channel;electronic load;heat dissipation;field effect tube


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