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基于PIC16F873 单片机的汽车自适应巡航控制系统的研究
(景德镇学院,江西 景德镇 333000)

摘  要:当前,汽车工业快速发展,随着消费者对汽车生产技术要求的不断提升,汽车的生产技术含量也成为行业研究的重点内容之一,就汽车的内部设计技术来说,巡航控制系统是其重要技术组成部分,汽车的巡航控制一般是在一定的车速范围内,在汽车遭遇外力干扰的情况下,驾驶员可以不控制加速踏板,系统借助自动调节气门开度实现对于发动机转矩的有效调节,保证汽车按照设定的车速实现恒速行驶。这一控制系统的设计对于汽车车速稳定性,提升汽车驾驶安全性以及舒适度,降低燃油消耗以及汽车排气污染等都具有重要作用,本文主要针对汽车自适应巡航控制系统进行介绍,以PIC16F873 单片机的汽车自适应巡航控制系统为例,探究这一控制系统的设计和作用。

关键词:PIC16F873 单片机;汽车自适应巡航控制系统;车速调节

中图分类号:TP368.12;U463.67         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0042-03

Research on Auto Adaptive Cruise Control System Based on PIC16F873 Single Chip Microcomputer

SUN Xiaoxia,SHI Changhua

(Jingdezhen University,Jingdezhen 333000,China)

Abstract:At present,with the rapid development of automobile industry,with the increasing demand of consumers for automobile production technology,the content of automobile production technology has become one of the key contents of industry research. As far as automobile interior design technology is concerned,cruise control system is an important part of automobile technology,and the cruise control of automobile is general. In a certain speed range,in the case of external force interference,the driver can not control the acceleration pedal,and the system realizes the effective adjustment of engine torque by means of automatic valve opening to ensure that the vehicle runs at a constant speed according to the set speed. The design of this control system plays an important role in vehicle speed stability,driving safety and comfort,reducing fuel consumption and exhaust pollution. This paper mainly introduces the automobile adaptive cruise control system. Taking the automobile adaptive cruise control system based on PIC16F873 as an example,the design and function of this control system are explored.

Keywords:PIC16F873 single chip computer;automobile adaptive cruise control system;speed regulation



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