摘 要:在沿海地区布设的雷达设备除了其固有的精度指标外,环境适用性是影响性能的重要因素,由于沿海地区气候环境高温、高湿、高盐,极大地加速装备的老化腐蚀,缩短设备的寿命,使设备故障频发。本文从四个方面针对性提出了加强沿海雷达防护的重点和具体维护管理方法,对于提高雷达装备的环境适用性具有实践意义。
中图分类号:TN957 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)17-0045-02
Research on Environmental Adaptive Protection Method of Radar Equipment in Coastal Areas
(Unit 91604 of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army,Longkou 265700,China)
Abstract:In addition to its inherent accuracy indicators,radar equipment deployed in coastal areas is an important factor affecting performance. Due to the high humidity,high temperature and high salt in coastal areas,it greatly accelerates the aging corrosion of equipment,shortens the service life of equipment,and makes equipment failure frequent. In this paper,the paper puts forward the key points and specific maintenance management methods for strengthening coastal radar protection from four aspects,which has practical significance for improving environmental applicability.
Keywords:radar protection;prevention of salt spray;corrosion
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