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(西安工业大学北方信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710200)

摘  要:本文研究的是小区的安防系统的设计,根据小区的安防系统设计的功能要求,对智能小区的安防系统整体方案进行了研究,对系统硬件元件进行了选型及设计。其中主要部件传感器,考虑到成本问题,选择红外探测传感器,在硬件设计的基础上进行软件设计,使系统能够保证实时语音播报,实时显示。


中图分类号:TP368.12;TP277         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0025-03

Research on Community Security System Based on Single Chip Microcomputer

JIAO Lingxia

(Xi’an University of Technological Information North Institute of Information Engineering,Xi’an 710200,China)

Abstract:This paper studies the design of the security system of the community. According to the functional requirements of the security system design of the community,the overall scheme of the security system of the intelligent community is studied. The hardware components of the system are selected and designed,among which the main components are sensors. Considering the cost problem,the infrared detection sensor is selected,and the software design is carried out on the basis of hardware design,so that the system can guarantee real-time voice broadcast and real-time display.

Keywords:intelligent community;security system;single chip microcomputer


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