摘 要:电力系统的运行当中,常会发生窃电行为,使供电企业和国家都遭受了极大的经济损失。针对这一情况,供电企业和国家也都进行了防窃电技术的分析与研究。在电力系统运行中采用一些防窃电技术的研发虽然在一定程度上防止了窃电行为的发生,但由于一些技术因素和实际的应用影响因素而没有达到预期的效果。因此,供电企业应依托现代先进的科学技术重新进行电力计量防分流窃电技术的研究与创新应用,能有效地防止窃电行为的发生。
关键词:电力计量系统;防分流窃电技术;4G 技术;信息数据采集
中图分类号:TM73;TM933.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0033-03
Analysis and Research on Anti-diversion Electricity Stealing Technology of Electric Power Metering System
ZHENG Xudong
(State Grid Liaoning Electric Power Co.,Ltd. Dalian Power Supply Company Gaoxinyuan Power Supply Branch,Dalian 116039,China)
Abstract:Electricity theft often occurs in the operation of power system,which causes great economic losses to power supply enterprises and countries. In view of this,power supply enterprises and the state have also carried out the analysis and research of anti-theft technology. Although the research and development of some anti-theft technologies have prevented the occurrence of electricity theft to a certain extent,they have not achieved the desired results due to some technical reasons and practical application factors. Therefore,power supply enterprises should rely on modern advanced science and technology to re-conduct the research and innovative application of power metering anti-diversion stealing technology,which can effectively prevent the occurrence of electricity theft.
Keywords:power metering system;anti-diversion stealing technology;4G technology;information and data acquisition
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