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(福建广和信息科技有限公司,福建 福州 350100)

摘  要:我国电力供应部门为了满足居民日益增长的用电需求,对现有电网的优化和维修投入了大量的资源,并研究出了一系列优化措施。配电自动化技术则在提升电力系统供电能力方面有着突出的表现。在这样的背景下,如何通过加强配电自动化建设工作,提升电力系统的供电可靠性,则成为电力系统技术人员主要关注的问题。


中图分类号:TM76;TM732         文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)18-0038-02

Analysis of the Influence of Distribution Automation Construction on Power Supply Reliability

CHEN Xianmei

(Fujian Guanghe Information Technology Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350100,China)

Abstract:In order to meet the increasing electricity demand of residents,China’s power supply department has invested a large amount of resources in the optimization and maintenance of existing power grids,and has developed a series of optimization measures.Distribution automation technology has outstanding performance in improving the power supply capability of the power system. Under such a background,how to improve the power supply reliability of power systems by strengthening the construction work of distribution automation has become a major concern of power system technicians.

Keywords:distribution automation;power supply reliability;power system


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