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(长沙航空职业技术学院,湖南 长沙 410124)

摘  要:飞机调节锥操纵系统能保证合适的气流进入发动机,而在外场维护时调节锥常与其位置有一定的偏差,分析调节锥的故障可以缩短外场维护的时间。本文以调节锥伸出故障为切入点,分析调节锥的工作过程,找出调节锥的常见故障,根据调节锥的组成逐个排查故障原因,理清排故思路,总结排故规律,为此类故障提供参考。


中图分类号:V267         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0035-03

Fault Analysis of Inlet Adjustment Cone Protrusion of a Certain Aircraft

WANG Linlin,WEN Cheng

(Changsha Aeronautical Vocational and Technical College,Changsha 410124,China)

Abstract:The control system of adjustable cone can ensure proper airflow into the engine. The adjustable cone often has a certain deviation from its position during external field maintenance,clearing the fault of the adjustable cone can shorten the time of maintenance. Taking the adjustable cone extension fault as the entry point,analyzing the working process of the adjustable cone,finding out the common faults of the adjustable cone,according to the composition of the adjustable cone,check the cause of the failure one by one. clarifying the troubleshooting ideas,summarizing the rules of troubleshooting,and providing reference for such faults.

Keywords:adjustable cone;inlet;engine


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