摘 要:热测试技术能观测到产品工作状态中的发热状态,对于提升电子产品可靠性具有重要的作用,特别适用于发热电子组件及设备。利用非接触式热测试快速定位产品高发热区域,并基于温度步进式方法对产品进行接触式热测试,从而获取产品高发热点准确温度数据。本文以某型光声光谱检测仪为例,通过热测试及分析给出电路板潜在的高发热点和耐热薄弱环节,为电路板结构的优化及布局提供数据支撑,进一步提升产品可靠性。
中图分类号:TN405 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0037-04
Reliability Analysis of Electronic Products Based on Thermal Testing Technology
FANG Zimin1,WANG Hongtao1,LIU Jiannan1,LIU Yi2,GAO Jun1
(1.Guangdong Scientific Verification & Testing Engineering Technology Co.,Ltd.,Guangzhou 510663,China;2.Zhongke (Shenzhen) Technology Service Co.,Ltd.,Shenzhen 518052,China)
Abstract:The thermal testing technology can observe the state of heat in the working state of heat in working state of the product and plays an important role in improving the reliability of electronic products. Especially suitable for heating electronic components and equipment. The non-contact thermal test is used to quickly locate the high -heating area of the product,and the contact thermal test is performed on the product based on the temperature step-by-step method,thereby obtaining accurate temperature data of the product with high heat point. This paper takes the a type of photoacoustic spectroscopy as an example,and gives the potentially high heat spots and heat-resistant weak points of the printed circuit board through thermal test and analyses. The potentially high heat spots and heat-resistant weak points provide data support for the optimization and layout of the printed circuit board structure,further improve product reliability.
Keywords:thermal testing;electronic product;photoacoustic spectroscopy;reliability
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