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(淮阴工学院 电子信息工程学院,江苏 淮安 223003)

摘  要:现代相控超声波阵列控制器是一种能够使用多个换能器或传感器发送或接收信号的电子系统,可以在几乎实时的情况下对发射的波束进行偏转和塑形,在商业上具有广泛用途。本文拟设计一种新型的相控超声波阵列及其控制器,这是一个模块化、低成本、多用途的相控超声平台,由桌面端软件、下位机软件、控制器、驱动器和超声阵列等部分组成。桌面端软件可以用来定义超声阵列的几何形状,实时模拟声场,能够计算出每个超声换能器单元的相位和振幅数据并发送给所连接的控制器,控制器根据这些数据生成相应的脉冲信号,经由驱动电路进行功率放大后推动超声换能器产生特定相位和振幅的超声波。控制器基于高性能单片机设计,多个超声阵列可以级联使用,扩展阵列规模。


中图分类号:TB559         文献标识码:A        文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-41-04

Design of Multifunctional Phase-Controlled Ultrasound Array

KE Yongbin,YOU Qing

(Faculty of Electronic Information Engineering,Huaiyin Institute of Technology,Huai’an 223003,China)

Abstract:Modern phased ultrasonic array controller is an electronic system that can transmit or receive signals using multiple transducers or sensors. It can deflect and shape the transmitted beams in almost real-time. It is widely used in commerce. In this paper,a new type of phased ultrasonic array and its controller are designed. This is a modular,low-cost and multi-purpose phased ultrasonic platform,which consists of desktop software,lower computer software,controller,driver and ultrasonic array. Desktop software can be used to define the geometry of the ultrasonic array and simulate the sound field in real time. It can calculate the phase and amplitude data of each ultrasonic transducer unit and send them to the connected controller. According to these data,the controller generates the corresponding pulse signal,and then drives the ultrasonic transducer to generate the specific phase and amplitude of the ultrasound after power amplification through the driving circuit. The controller is designed on the basis of high performance single chip computer,and multiple ultrasonic arrays can be cascaded to expand the size of the array.

Keywords:acoustic levitation;parametric audio;phased arrays;haptics;ultrasonics


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