摘 要:梳理了空空导弹的使用与维护保障流程,以及在内场、外场所做的技术准备工作,并以某型空空导弹为例,通过统计记录内、外场技术准备工作以及耗时环节,归纳总结影响空空导弹技术准备保障时间的主要原因及面临的问题。在确保装备系统最佳寿命周期费用的前提下,提出提高空空导弹作战技术准备保障效率的策略,并指出了未来的研究方向。为提高空空导弹的作战效率,满足战时使用要求,实现装备系统的持续作战能力奠定了基础。
中图分类号:TJ762.23 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)19-0047-03
Problems and Countermeasures of Technical Guarantee for Air-to-Air Missile
(China Guided Missile Institute,Luoyang 471000,China)
Abstract:The process of using and maintaining air-to-air missiles,and as well as the technical preparations in the infield and outfield. Taking a certain type of air-to-air missile as an example,the main reasons and problems affecting the support time of air-to-air missile technical preparation are summarized through the statistical record of integrative and live technical preparation and time-consuming links. On the premise of guaranteeing the optimal life cycle cost of equipment system,this paper puts forward some strategies to improve the efficiency of air-to-air missile operational technical readiness support,and points out the research direction in the future. It will lay a foundation for improving the operational efficiency of air-to-air missiles and realizing the continuous combat capability of the equipment system.
Keywords:air-to-air missile;assurance process;technical support efficiency
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