摘 要:本文简单描述了油田供热系统的背景和热力站的工艺流程,介绍了罗克韦尔1769 CompactLogix L3x 控制器的实际选型与在油田热力站自控系统中的应用,阐述了罗克韦尔1769 CompactLogix L3x 控制器和各扩展模块的产品主要属性,并以RSLogix 5000 软件为平台,根据现场实际需求开发的各项功能,着重介绍了罗克韦尔1769 CompactLogix L3x 控制器的数据采集和处理运算、Modbus 通讯以及逻辑控制方面的功能应用与特点。
关键词:罗克韦尔1769 CompactLogix L3x 控制器;仪表通讯;数据采集;逻辑处理
中图分类号:TP273 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0044-03
Application of Rockwell L3x Controller in Oilfield Heating System
LIU Guanyu,GAO Liliang,LIU Kai,ZHANG Haiyang
(Shandong Shengli Tonghai Group Dongying Tianlan Energy Saving Technology Co.,Ltd.,Dongying 257200,China)
Abstract:This paper briefly describes the background of oil field heating system and the technological process of thermal power station,introduces the actual selection of Rockwell 1769 CompactLogix L3x controller and its application in the automatic control system of oil field thermal power station,expounds the main attributes of Rockwell 1769 CompactLogix L3x controller and the products of each extended module,and takes RSLogix 5000 software as a platform,according to the actual needs of the field development of various functions,focusing on the Rockwell 1769 CompactLogix L3x controller data acquisition and processing operations,Modbus communication and logic control aspects of functional applications and characteristics.
Keywords:rockwell 1769 Compactlogix L3x controller;instrument communication;data acquisition;logic processing
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作者简介:刘冠宇(1992-),男,汉族,山东滨州人,技术开发部助理工程师,学士学位,研究方向:PLC 控制系统在各种工艺场所的搭建与应用。