摘 要:伴随着我国的不断建设与发展,信息技术作为当前最重要的一类,对于社会建设具有非常重要的意义。但是从我国现阶段的实际情况来讲,因为在电子信息产业方面的建设时间相对较短,而且在人才建设与投入等方面还有很大的进步空间,导致电子信息产业技术创新能力并不是非常充足,无法为我国社会进步与国家建设提供更充足的动力。本文就相关内容展开了综合性的阐述与分析,首先介绍了我国电子信息产业发展概况,然后列举了影响我国电子信息技术创新能力的因素,最后提供了提升我国电子信息技术创新能力的措施。希望通过本文对相关内容的阐述与分析,能够进一步提升相关研究的实际效果,为我国的建设与发展创造出更强大的动力,提升我国电子信息产业整体的发展水平。
中图分类号:TN-9;F426.63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)20-0046-03
Analysis of Technological Innovation Ability of Electronic Information industry
WANG Daojun
(Xinyang Science And Technology Bureau Electronic Technology Promotion Service Center,Xinyang 464000,China)
Abstract:With the continuous construction and development of China,information technology is the most important category at present,which is of great significance to social construction. However,from the actual situation in China at present,because the construction time in the electronic information industry is relatively short,and there is still much room for improvement in terms of talent construction and investment,the technological innovation capability of the electronic information industry is not very adequate, unable to provide more sufficient momentum for China’s social progress and national construction. This article has carried out a comprehensive exposition and analysis of related content. Firstly,this paper introduces the general situation of the development of electronic information industry in China,then lists the factors affecting the innovation ability of electronic information technology in China,and finally provides measures to improve the innovation ability of electronic information technology in China. It is hoped that through the elaboration and analysis of the relevant content in this paper,we can further enhance the actual effect of relevant research,create a stronger driving force for the construction and development of China,and enhance the overall development level of China's electronic information industry.
Keywords:electronic information industry;technological innovation capability;patent protection
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