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(福建船政交通职业学院 信息工程系,福建 福州 350007)

摘  要:随着城市交叉路口的拥堵愈发严重,交通灯的智能控制便显得尤为重要。为改善城市交叉路口车辆通行效率,本文阐述了一种交通灯模糊控制实时配时算法,通过Matlab 模糊工具及系统测试仿真,得到清晰化的模糊控制表,以期为交通信号灯智能控制系统的优化提供参考。


中图分类号:TP273.4;U491.54         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)21-0051-03

Research on Real-time Timing Algorithm of Fuzzy Control for Traffic Lights

ZHANG Yongzhi

(Department of Information Engineering,Fujian Chuanzheng Communications College,Fuzhou 350007,China)

Abstract:As the congestion at urban intersections becomes more serious,the intelligent control of traffic lights is particularly important. In order to improve the traffic efficiency of urban intersections,this paper describes a real-time timing algorithm of fuzzy control for traffic lights. By using the Matlab fuzzy tools and system test simulation,a clear fuzzy control table is obtained. It is expected to provide reference for the optimization of intelligent control system of traffic lights.

Keywords:traffic lights;fuzzy control;real-time timing algorithm


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