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(重庆公共运输职业学院,重庆 402247)

摘  要:混合动力公交车辆是进行道路运输和人们出行的工具,其在行驶过程中道路的路况也会产生变化,道路可能会具有一定的坡度,且道路不会处于完全平直的状况,如果车辆的转弯速度过快或转动方向盘过急,车辆转弯时的离心力就较大,这时若驾驶员控制不恰当容易造成车辆侧滑,进而酿成事故。现有的电控转向装置通过获取车辆中ECU 的转向信号和速度信号,来判断车辆的转向信息和速度信息,这种装置需要改变车辆的结构以获取相应的信息,使用范围受限,本文设计了一种新型电控转向装置,以在不改变混动公交车辆结构的情况下检测车辆转弯过程中的速度和方向盘转动速度,及时提醒驾驶员进行减速,旨在提高混动公交车辆的行驶安全性。


中图分类号:U463.6         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)21-0054-02

Design of Electric Control Steering Device for New Hybrid Bus

WANG Qian,HE Fei,HE Chuan

(Chongqing Vocational College of Public Transportation,Chongqing 402247,China)

Abstract:Hybrid bus is a tool for road transportation and people’s travel. The road condition will also change during the driving process. The road may have a certain slope,and the road will not be completely straight. If the turning speed of the vehicle is too fast or the steering wheel is too fast,the centrifugal force of the vehicle when turning will be greater. At this time,if the driver controls improper vehicles are easy to cause sideslip,which leads to accidents. The existing electronic steering device judges the turning information and speed information of the vehicle by acquiring the turning signal and speed signal of the ECU in the vehicle. This device needs to change the structure of the vehicle to obtain the corresponding information,and the scope of use is limited. In this paper,a new type of electric control steering device is designed to detect the speed and steering wheel rotation speed in the process of turning without changing the structure of hybrid public transport vehicles,and remind the driver to slow down in time,so as to improve the driving safety of hybrid public transport vehicles.

Keywords:hybrid bus;electronic steering device;electronic control

基金项目:重庆市职业教育学会科研课题:基于模糊自整定控制的城市混动公交客车传动系统性能优化探究(项目编号:2017-ZJXH-19008);重庆市高职院校专业能力建设(骨干专业)项目:交通运营管理专业建设(项目编号:渝教高发〔2016〕46 号)。


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