摘 要:由于电动汽车接入配电网时其充放电的时间、地点以及容量的随机性和电动汽车处于电源还是负荷特性的不确定性,将会改变配电网原有的网络结构、电源结构和负荷结构,并且使潮流水平及方向变得复杂,给配电网原有的继电保护配置与整定造成很多影响。本文以中低压配电网为例,分析了电动汽车接入对电流保护的影响,并分析了现有的一些解决方案。
中图分类号:TM77 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0036-03
Analysis of the Impact of Electric Vehicle Accessing Charge and Discharge onCurrent Protection in Distribution Network
(Hunan Polytechnic of Water Resources and Electric Power,Changsha 410131,China)
Abstract:Because of the randomness of charging and discharging time,place and capacity when the electric vehicle is connected to the distribution network and the uncertainty of whether the electric vehicle is in power or load characteristics,the original network structure,power structure and load structure of the distribution network will be changed,and the power flow level and direction will become complex,which will have a lot of impact on the original relay protection configuration and setting of the distribution network. Taking the medium and low voltage distribution network as an example,this paper analyzes the impact of electric vehicle access on current protection,and analyzes some existing solutions.
Keywords:distribution network;electric vehicle;current protection
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