摘 要:随着电子产品的高度集成化,对硬件工程师来说,EMC是设计工作的重点。本文主要对LCD电视机芯开发常遇到的EMC问题进行分析,对DC-DC,差分信号等线路的EMC设计要求进行了原理与实际相结合的详细讲解,希望有助于硬件工程师对LCD机芯开发时,有效减少EMC的问题,提高产品的设计能力。
中图分类号:TN948.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0051-03
EMC Design Requirements for LCD Television Core
XU Yongqiao
(EMC Professional Team of TCL Electronics (Shenzhen) R & D Center,Shenzhen 518052,China)
Abstract:With the high integration of electronic products,EMC is the focus of design work for hardware engineers. This paper mainly analyzes the EMC problems often encountered in the development of LCD TV core,and explains the EMC design requirements of DC-DC,differential signal and other lines in detail,hoping to help hardware engineers effectively reduce EMC problems and improve the design ability of products when developing LCD core.
Keywords:EMC;frequency;interference signal
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