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(青岛求实职业技术学院 机电工程学院,山东 青岛 266108)

摘  要:本文以现有楼道灯控制方式给用户带来的不适体验为出发点,通过采用光强检测电路、HC-SR501人体红外感应模块、微处理器STM8S103F3、PT4115恒流驱动IC、拨码开关等器件及模块的有机组合,实现光照亮度强时控制器处于待机状态,当光照弱时进入工作状态。工作时人走灯延时熄灭,同时相邻楼层同步点亮的设计又能带来良好的视觉体验,也可以实现对楼道灯的有效节能控制。本文中楼道特指楼梯楼道。通过模拟实验验证了该控制器的可行性。


中图分类号:TN76;TP29         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)22-0048-03

Constant Current LED Corridor Light Controller Based on the STM8S

XU Yinghui,TANG Guolong

(School of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Qingdao Qiushi College,Qingdao 266108,China)

Abstract:This paper starts from the uncomfortable experience brought to the users by the existing corridor lamp control mode. The controller organically uses the light intensity detection circuit,HC-SR501 human body infrared sensor module,microprocessor STM8S103F3,PT4115 constant-current drive IC,dial switch and other devices or modules. The effect is realized that the controller is in standby state when the light intensity is strong,and enters the working state when the light intensity is weak. At the working state,when the person leaves,the lamp will be put out,and the adjacent floors will be lit synchronously. Such design brings good visual experience and can effectively control the energy saving of the floor lamp. The corridor in this article refers to stair corridor especially. The feasibility of the controller is verified by simulation experiments.

Keywords:STM8S microprocessor;PT4115;corridor lights;LED;wireless communication


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