摘 要:可穿戴设备是一种新型的智能设备,它可被人们放进衣服里面,也可以穿戴于人体。事实上,不同时期的可穿戴设备会有不同的定义。随时随地可以穿戴于人体上的设备可成为更加贴近自然的互联网入口。从技术上突破可穿戴设备产品开发设计了可以帮助人们解决生活中的实际问题,提高人们的生活质量和生活情趣。
中图分类号:TP368.3;TN876 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)23-0044-02
Research on the Development and Design of Intelligent Wearable Devices
CHEN Yangjian
(Fujian Landi Commercial Equipment Co.,Ltd.,Fuzhou 350003,China)
Abstract:Wearable device is a new type of intelligent device,which can be put into clothes or put on human body. In fact,wearable devices in different periods have different definitions. Devices that can be worn on the human body anytime and anywhere can become more natural internet access. The development and design of wearable devices can help people to solve the practical problems in life and improve the quality and interest of life.
Keywords:wearable devices;development and design;intellectualization
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作者简介:陈扬剑(1979-),男,汉族,福建福州人,中级工程师,本科,毕业于厦门大学电子工程系,现任产品预研部经理,年产数百万的智能POS 的主设计师,研究方向:终端硬件设计、嵌入式硬件平台、金融支付产品开发。