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基于Simulink 的等效电路参数辨识研究
林文发 ¹’²,陈德旺 ¹’²,林松青²
(1. 福州大学 数学与计算机科学学院,福建 福州 350108;2. 智慧新能源研究中心,福建 福州 350108)

摘  要:动力电池参数辨识是电池测试工作中的重要一环,由于电池内部化学反应复杂,电化学模型和经验模型都无法满足工业测试需求。本文采用RC 等效电路建立电池模型,在Simulink 平台上搭建电池仿真系统,使用工业测试的脉冲放电数据做训练集和测试集,利用非线性最小二乘法和LM 最优化算法估算动力电池的参数。实验结果表明,利用并行计算工具可以提高约34% 的计算效率,仿真数据与实验数据均方误差为5.33066×10-3,非线性最小二乘法比Gradient Descent 算法更适用于电池参数辨识,模型精度高,该模型可以用于动力电池的测试与开发。

关键词:动力电池;等效电路模型;非线性最小二乘法;LM 算法

中图分类号:TM134;TM912         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)24-0023-05

Study on the Parameter Identification of Equivalent Circuit Based on Simulink

LIN Wenfa1,2,CHEN Dewang1,2,LIN Songqing2

(1.College of Mathematics and Computer Science,Fuzhou University,Fuzhou 350108,China;2.Smart New Energy Institute,Fuzhou 350108,China)

Abstract:Power battery parameter identification is an important part of battery testing. Due to the complex internal chemical reaction of the battery,electrochemical models and empirical models cannot meet the industrial testing requirements. In this paper,the RC equivalent circuit is used to build the battery model. The battery simulation system is built on the Simulink platform. The industrial test pulse discharge data is used as the training set and test set. The nonlinear least squares method and the LM optimization algorithm are used to estimate the parameters of the power battery. The experimental results show that the parallel computing tool can improve the computing efficiency by about 34%,and the mean square error of simulation data and experimental data is 5.33066×10-3. The nonlinear least square method is more suitable for the identification of battery parameters than the Gradient Descent algorithm,and the model accuracy is high.The model can be used for the test and development of power battery.

Keywords:power battery;equivalent circuit model;nonlinear least squares;LM algorithm



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