摘 要:为了解决栽培设施中的便捷性、准确性、稳定性及布线困难等问题,本文利用 nRF2401 无线模块设计了一种基于STC89C54RD+ 微处理器的自动检测温湿度控制系统。该控制系统能自动检测土壤的温湿度,并根据检测值与设定值比较自动完成对土壤浇水和人机界面交互等功能。通过设计合理可靠的通信协议使本系统能完成稳定的收发通信,经过现场调校,实现了无线监测系统的准确性、稳定性和实用性。
关键词:单片机 nRF2401;SHT11;电机
中图分类号:TP273;S625 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2019)24-0033-03
Research on Cultivation Facilities Based on Wireless Automatic Control Technology of Single Chip Microcomputer
LU Gangqiang,LEI Wenquan
(Chengdu Agricultural College,Chengdu 611130,China)
Abstract:In order to solve the problems of convenience,accuracy,stability and wiring difficulty in cultivation facilities,an automatic temperature and humidity detection control system based on STC89C54RD + microprocessor was designed by using nRF2401 wireless module. The control system can automatically detect the temperature and humidity of the soil,and automatically complete the functions of soil watering and man-machine interface according to the comparison between the detection value and the set value. Through the design of reasonable and reliable communication protocol,the system can complete stable transceiver and receiver communication. Through field adjustment,the accuracy,stability and practicability of the wireless monitoring system are realized.
Keywords:single-chip nRF2401;SHT11;motor
基金项目:成都农业科技职业学院 2017 年院级科研项目:基于电机驱动的无土栽培设施的自动控制技术研究(项目编号:cny17-16)。
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