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基于 ARM-Linux 车载多媒体软件设计
(上海交通大学,上海 200030)

摘  要:本文以飞思卡尔公司的 i.MX6 Dual 微处理器为硬件平台,应用嵌入式 Linux 系统完成了车载多媒体系统的设计。 对 Bootloader 程序进行了移植,后引导 Linux 内核编译以及裁剪移植,最后完成 Linux 系统文件系统的配置。在系统内核移植成功的基础上,完成了 LCD 驱动、触摸屏驱动、USB 驱动等系统各个模块驱动程序的设计,实现了系统的基本功能。

关键词:车载多媒体;嵌入式 Linux;移植

中图分类号:TN919.82;U463.6         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2019)24-0036-04

Design of Vehicle Multimedia Software Based on ARM-Linux


(Shanghai Jiaotong University,Shanghai 200030,China)

Abstract:Based on the i.MX6 Dual microprocessor of Freescale company as the hardware platform,this paper completed the design of vehicle multimedia system by using embedded Linux system. After porting the Bootloader program,booting the Linux kernel to compile and prune the porting program,and finally completing the configuration of the Linux system file system. On the basis of the successful transplantation of the system kernel,the design of LCD driver,touch screen driver,USB driver and other modules of the system is completed,and the basic functions of the system are realized.

Keywords:vehicle multimedia;embedded Linux;porting


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