摘 要:设计一款具有防护功能的室外智能晾衣装置,根据雨滴、光照、风力等各类传感器来判别是否进行启动收护装置。同时,可利用手机端APP 操控衣架的伸缩及防护罩的工作状态,实现对衣物的保护。该系统由单片机控制电路、电机及其驱动电路、衣架装置、护罩装置、温湿度检测电路、雨滴检测电路、光照检测电路、Wi-Fi 模块及手机端APP 和Web 端等组成。
中图分类号:TP368.12;TS959.9 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0044-03
Design of Intelligent Protective Device Based on Outdoor Clothes Drying Rack
CHEN Mengyao,LUO Wenqiang,WU Jinyu,JIN Weihang,HU Yifeng
(Taizhou University,Taizhou 318000,China)
Abstract:An outdoor intelligent clothes airing device with protective function is designed to judge whether to start the protective device according to rain drop,light,wind and other sensors. At the same time,the mobile phone APP can be used to control the stretching of the hanger and the working state of the protective cover,so as to realize the protection of clothing. The system is composed of MCU control circuit,motor and its driving circuit,hanger device,shield device,temperature and humidity detection circuit,raindrop detection circuit,light detection circuit,Wi-Fi module,mobile phone APP,Web terminal,etc.
Keywords:single chip microcomputer;intelligent clothes rack;collection and protection device
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