摘 要:科学技术的更新与换代,逐渐推动了传感器技术的发展,从而出现了性能更加良好的智能传感器,并被应用到很多领域,其中包括汽车电子领域,为汽车更好的行驶提供重要帮助。基于此,文章对智能传感器进行简单概述,进而分析了智能传感器在汽车电子中的应用,以进一步提升我国汽车智能化水平。
中图分类号:U463.6;TP242.6 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)01-0050-02
Research on the Application of Intelligent Sensor in the Field of Electronic vehicle
WANG Rixia
(Shandong Huayu University of Technology,Dezhou 253034,China)
Abstract:The updating and upgrading of science and technology have gradually promoted the development of sensor technology,resulting in the emergence of intelligent sensors with better performance,which have been applied to many fields,including automotive electronics,to provide important help for better driving of vehicles. Based on this,this paper analyzes the application of smart sensors in automotive electronics through a brief overview of smart sensors,in order to further improve the level of automotive intelligence in China.
Keywords:intelligent sensor;automotive electronics;intelligent application
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