摘 要:在滚动轴承故障发生初期,存在轴承故障冲击特征微弱难以识别以及包络解调中带通滤波器参数难以选择的问题, 基于此,提出了经验小波变换与快速谱峭度相结合的方法进行早期故障特征的提取,该方法与传统包络谱方法相比,能更有效地 提取出故障信号的特征频率以及倍频,从而证明该方法能有效地提取早期故障信号以及该方法的其他优势。 滚动轴承;早期故障;经验小波变换;快速谱峭度;包络解调
中图分类号:TH133.33;TN911.7 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0037-05
Fault Feature Extraction of Rolling Bearing Based on EWT and Spectrum Kurtosis
JIANG Jing1,SHI Wei2,GUO Hongtao3,LIU Lihua4
(1.China Power Investment Northeast New Energy Development Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang 110000,China;2.North China Electric Power University,Beijing 102200,China;3.Northeast Electric Power Development Co.,Ltd. of State Power Investment Corporation Limited,Shenyang 110000,China;4.State Power Investment Corporation Limited Northeast Power Co.,Ltd.,Shenyang 110181,China)
Abstract:At the beginning of the rolling bearing failure,bearing fault impact characteristics of weak it is difficult to identify and envelope demodulation of band-pass filter parameters is difficult to choice,based on this,puts forward the experience of the wavelet transform and fast spectral kurtosis method of combining the early fault feature extraction,compared with the traditional envelope spectrum method,the method can more effectively extract the fault signal characteristic frequency and frequency doubling,which proved that the method can effectively extract the early fault signal,and other advantages of this method.
Keywords:rolling bearing;early failure;empirical wavelet transform;fast spectral kurtosis;envelope demodulation
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