摘 要:针对室内照明需要改造控制线路才能实现调光的问题,文章设计了一款基于PWM 调光的LED 驱动器。通过在驱动器中加入控制芯片,该驱动器能够检测电源开关的关断数进行调光,因此仅需利用原电源开关即可进行调光控制。最后进行了相应实验,并对数据进行了分析,证明了设计的LED 驱动器可以实现从5% ~ 100% 六档的亮度调节,调光稳定,无噪声和闪烁,功率因数均在0.55 以上。因此,该驱动器具有电路简单、调光稳定、功率因数高等优点,具有一定的实用价值。
关键词:PWM 调光;LED 驱动器;恒流驱动;占空比
中图分类号:TN312+.8;TM923.34 文献标识码:A 文章编号:2096-4706(2020)02-0032-05
LED Driver Design Based on PWM Dimming
YANG Ziteng,LIU Kun,YANG Kun
(School of Quality and Technical Supervision,Hebei University,Baoding 071002,China)
Abstract:For the indoor lighting needs to modify the control circuit to achieve the problem of dimming,this topic designed a LED driver based on PWM dimming. By adding a control chip to the driver,the driver can detect the number of turn-offs of the power switch for dimming,so the dimming control can be performed only by using the original power switch. Finally,the corresponding experiments were carried out,and the data was analyzed. It was proved that the designed LED driver can achieve brightness adjustment from 5% to 100% in six gears,stable dimming,no noise and flicker,and the power factor is above 0.55. Therefore,the driver has the advantages of simple circuit,stable dimming,high power factor,and the like,and has certain practical value.
Keywords:PWM dimming;LED driver;constant current driver;duty circle
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