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基于 NS2 的 AODV 路由协议分析及仿真研究
(66018 部队,天津 300380)

摘  要:在现代战争中地面通信指挥体系发挥了重要作用,通过学习分析其网系建设,一方面可以取长补短,另一方面可以分析其弱点和漏洞。该文首先指出战术互联网采用的典型路由协议的分类,分析了按需驱动路由协议在战场上的适用性;其次描述了 AODV 路由协议执行过程,指出该协议的特性及固有缺陷,为进行针对性的攻击研究提出方向;最后基于网络仿真软件NS2 对移动 Ad Hoc 网络的 AODV 路由协议进行了仿真,通过仿真实验得出 AODV 路由协议存在 TCP 拥塞问题。

关键词:Ad Hoc;AODV;NS2;路由协议仿真

中图分类号:TP393         文献标识码:A         文章编号:2096-4706(2020)03-0052-03

Analysis and Simulation of AODV Routing Protocol Based on NS2

ZHANG Jiagang,WANG Haisong,HU Luolin

(Unit 66018,Tianjin 300380,China)

Abstract:Ground communication command system plays an important role in modern war. By learning and analyzing its network construction,on the one hand,we can learn from each other’s strengths and make up for their weaknesses and loopholes. Firstly,this paper points out the classification of typical routing protocols used in tactical internet,analyzes the applicability of on-demand driven routing protocol in the battlefield;secondly,it describes the implementation process of AODV routing protocol,points out the characteristics and inherent defects of the protocol,and puts forward the direction for targeted attack research;finally,based on the network simulation software NS2,the AODV routing protocol of mobile Ad Hoc network is simulated. The simulation results show that there is TCP congestion in AODV routing protocol.

Keywords:Ad Hoc;AODV;NS2;routing protocol simulation


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